What is a house concert? 

It’s a get together hosted by you, featuring an independent musician (me), attended by your friends, family and neighbors (or whoever you want to invite).

How does it work? 

  • You pick the date and time (the sooner the better as I’m working on filling my schedule)

  • And of course, decide what/how you’re doing food and drinks, decorations (maybe a theme?) or not, totally up to you. It's as casual, or extravagant, as you want. 

  • Decide where - backyard, deck, garage, etc. and make sure there’s a power source (an outlet I can run an extension cord to). 

  • Invite people! 

  • I provide all of the sound equipment necessary and will be the entertainment for the evening, or afternoon (or morning?). 

  • As far as $$ goes, it depends how far away you are and how long you want me to play, (1 to 2 hours). Some hosts are happy to pay the fee and some hosts pass around a bucket, asking guests for a $10-20 donation. It’s flexible, let's talk!

If you are interested in hosting a house concert, fill out the form or email with questions.





How does a house concert benefit (me) the artist?

First off, house concerts are listening rooms. Meaning people are actually paying attention (vs. the inside of a noisy brewery… ) That means people care more, are more connected and will likely become a new fan and friend. Typically house concerts pay better than venues and folks are more likely to purchase merchandise - all things that are very important for a traveling, independent musician. In addition, house concerts fill in the gaps on long tours and allow me to actually make playing music a sustainable way of life.

How do I plan this thing?

The beauty in house concerts is that they are low stress.  First you fill out the House Concert Booking form (above), next we agree on the date and start time. From there, you’ll setup a Facebook event and/or shoot out some emails/texts to invite your friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, book club go-ers, all the people... (I can help you with an email template if you want it).

What is the order of events for the evening?

Again, house concerts are laid back and casual. Usually it is a good idea to give folks an hour to arrive, get comfortable, and chat before the music. Music can go for as little as 40 minutes, to an hour or two. This all depends on what the you think is best for your guests!


How does a house concert benefit (you) the host?

You have the opportunity to experience my music in a memorable way, surrounded by all the people you care about. This is a great chance to reconnect with family, neighbors and friends while also supporting me as a traveling/working musician. It’s a grass roots effort to keep live music alive!

How many people do I need to have show up for it to be worth it?

A good goal is 20-30 people, but even 10 or 15 attentive, listening ears would be worth it. The beauty of a house concert is that it is purposely more intimate and focuses on quality over quantity.

I don’t have a big house, can I still host a concert?

Yes! Cozy is good. If you think your living room is too small, we can be creative with the space. I have a PA system and can do all of my music outside or in the garage.

What do you need from me, the host?

I will bring all of my own gear (mics, amps/PA system, cords, etc.). You bring the people. Depending on if I have to travel, I will need a place to park my camper van. Food and drinks are a plus, but not necessary. You decide what works best for you!