Booking House Concerts for 2021

It is exciting to see music venues open up and outdoor events taking place as summer is coming in! It’s probably going to be awhile before things get back to how they once were. But slowly and surely, I feel we will move towards a ‘golden age’ for the performing arts, after all of this.

In the meantime, I am exploring a new (new to me) way to perform live; and that is house concerts! I’m seeing interest in people who want to host outdoor (socially distanced) events this summer/fall. And you should be interested too!

A house concert transforms a party into a special event, and makes it into something more casual and intimate, allowing me to get to know you and your guests.

What is a house concert? 
It’s a get together hosted by you, featuring an independent musician (me), attended by your friends, family and neighbors (or whoever you want to invite). It’s a great way to make an evening special, and your friends will think you’re super cool for having live music.

How does it work? 

  • You pick the date and time (the sooner the better as I’m working on filling my schedule)

  • And of course, decide what/how you’re doing food and drinks, decorations (maybe a theme?) or not, totally up to you. It's as casual, or extravagant, as you want. 

  • Decide where - backyard, deck, garage, etc. and make sure there’s a power source (an outlet I can run an extension cord to). 

  • Invite people! 

  • I provide all of the sound equipment necessary and will be the entertainment for the evening, or afternoon (or morning?). 

  • As far as $$ goes, it depends how far away you are and how long you want me to play, (1 to 2 hours). Some hosts are happy to pay the fee and some hosts pass around a bucket, asking guests for a $10-20 donation. It’s flexible, let's talk!


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